Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Top Ten

Top Ten

10. Revision is a lot more than editing

9. A line or word can be great and still need to be cut from a piece.

8. Form follows content.

7. Brainstorming can look a lot like a rough draft.

6. A rough draft can look a lot different than the final product.

5. A rough draft is a sketch. A final product is a sculpture.

4. Strong nouns are more powerful than descriptive adjectives.

3. Revision is recursive in the real world and not just in my brain.

2. Poetry is not shackled by conventional grammar.

1. Conferencing is not about giving the right answers. It’s about the answers from the writer.


  1. I love 'brainstorming can look a lot like a rough draft' I especially love it when thinking back to the chat we had about hating brainstorming and feeling like we were doing it incorrectly.

  2. Yes! 9. I like the idea of putting these in a "box" to save for later.
    Yes! 4. This was new to me too. Extremely powerful.
    Yes! 3. I didn't realize that I revise in my head as I create.

  3. "Poetry is not shackled by conventional grammar."

    I prefer to think of poetry as a swimmer, who is not completely naked, but wears as little clothing as possible in order to experience the feel of the water on as many surfaces as possible, as well as to reduce drag. Yet, poetry can wear the "shackles" of form, such as the sonnet--if it so chooses. Good prose will also shed as many clothes as it can without feeling out of place. A CEO should not be leading a board meeting in a pair of speedos.

  4. I agree with Timothy. I love that line about poetry. I LOVE the background you chose... don't be surprised if you see it appear on my blog soon!
