Thursday, July 30, 2009


First grade grading is certainly different from high level grading. I do not give out letter grades and we do not operate on a 4.0 system. Everything is based on pass or fail---essentially does the student have the skill, is he/she growing in that skill, or is there little to no evidence of that skill yet.

I think it is helpful for me as an educator to have that broad view but it certainly does not give the detailed picture.

As I read through these articles, related to the topic of grading, I made some connections. I value the concept of expecting that a student is always working towards a best product. I like thinking that a child is never given the option to do C work. However, I also feel that it is an intimidating way to manage a classroom (for the teacher). You really have to have a firm understanding of the purpose in the work you ask students to do. You also need some very specific organizational pieces in place to make this program effective.

There are a few projects I would like to present to my students with this expectation of "best work". I will have to revisit these articles and see what matches up and what I need to rethink.

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