Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The Art of
Teaching Writing
By: Lucy McCormick Calkins

Trash, so much trash. I really relate to the analogy of taking out the extras to make room for a strong writing program. This implies administrator support however.

I am curious to find out why one set of research is chosen over another set of research. Often, I believe, it’s simply a matter of two same philosophies, packaged differently and one advertised more effectively. At my school we have a comprehensive writing curriculum that advertises all of the concepts we have covered this week and yet there is still no choice, minimal time and an assumption that the teacher is not qualified to make adjustments.

What a fantastic opportunity for me to continue researching and then putting my voice out into the educational discourse.


  1. The interesting thing about statistics and studies is that they are'nt even that reliable. I mean how do people seriously put numbers to abstract things like student growth? I guess I am bias because my husband has a BS in physics and he spent his four years of college studying how research is completely flawed and that all these numbers people come up with are entirely inaccurate representations of real life.

  2. Tara, When you have been in this career 20 years, you will have seen it go circular at least twenty times. What is old becomes new again.....I think about how phonics used to be a dirty word you would never mention to the whole language crowd and now it is in vogue again.....take heart and go with what you know works. :)
